Just applied on line for a part time job to help through the financial nastiness that has become my current lifestyle.
And the questions are more ridiculous, personal and intense than any other job I have ever applied to! Keep in mind that this is a part time position for evenings and weekends and not exactly at a skill level that puts humankind in danger.
Here are some prime examples:
In the past five years, what is the total dollar amount of money or merchandise you have taken from all of your previous employers?
Umm...none? Duh.
Have you been involved in any shoving matches or fistfights at work in the last two years?
Wow...does, say, 5 years ago count?
In previous jobs, how many days were you late for work in an average month?
So, are you looking for or eliminating potential employees?
In the past 30 days, have you used any illegal drug, such as LSD, marijuana, speed, crack, heroin, etc. while at work or away from work?
Not knowingly....
So, my question is: given the level of employment here, what are they looking for? Obviously, something above the 'dregs of society'? I dunno...it just seemed overly intrusive considering that it is unskilled labor that I was able to perform flawlessly 30 years ago.
Maybe I am just too sensitive....
1 comment:
T-T-T-T-T-Taco Bell is pretty strict now adays. Try Best Buy, I think crack is actually a requirement in order to get one of those nifty blue can-I-help-you-now, how-about-now shirts.
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