I had the strangest song running through my brain all day today. Whistling it, humming it and even singing it out loud at the most unflattering of times....
I don't even like country music, but the song was "I'm the happiest girl in the whole U.S.A"
Why? I have no idea, but it was increasingly disturbing to me, for obvious reasons.
And then, I happened to look at the t-shirt I was wearing today. It is a very old t-shirt, which only reads: http://www.dealwithit.com
I always assumed that it was just funny since it is about 10 years old which dates back to before the internet was the wide open wasteland that it is today.
But for the first time, I thought I would check and see if that url resolves or not.
It does.
But actually, goes to http://www.gurl.com which is a site for older teenage females and, further, resolves to a page pertaining to dealing with unwanted sexual advances, factoids about the male physical (cough) attributes and other general information that your typical teenage girl might find mildly interesting.
I'm not sure why this would pile up today, but it seemed overly strange to me. After all, I am not the happiest girl in the whole U.S.A., nor am I curious about the rites of passage of your basic garden variety female teenager.
Thanks to whatever superior being exists that I am back to work (and some semblance of normalcy) tomorrow.
Shine on me sunshine Walk with me world
It's a skippedee-dooda day...
Grrr...you're gonna pay if this song isn't unstuck from the roof of my brain by morning!
Glad someone else got infected.
After all, misery loves company.
Not that I would wish misery on you or anything, but it was horrible to experience this song all alone.
Damn...now it's back again! I just had to look, didn't I?
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