June 17, 2005

My ghost is back....

I have had some weird paranormal experiences in my current residence over the years. But, after the fire, the spirit seems to have gone out of the...er...spirit. I was never sure if it was because there were no people here while the place was being rebuilt or if the smell of burnt wood drove it off or what.
Turns out, I guess, that it was just biding its time.
Tonight I am at the kitchen sink cleaning up a bit (one of my main irritations in life is a cluttered and messy cooking area). While my back was turned to the dining area (not a formal dining room, just an area), I noticed out of my peripheral vision that the light in the room became perceptively more intense. I turned around and the light fixture above the table was on. It is dimmer switch that has to be rotated to function. I know I did not turn it on (4 100 watt bulbs in it - I would have noticed!) and I did detect the additional illumination when it happened.
I can't explain it. The light wasn't on when I went to the kitchen. It got turned on about 5 minutes later. I was home alone. I was 15 feet from the dimmer switch.
How would you interpret this?


Anonymous said...

My interpretation...I'm thinking cheddar bratwurst here. Maybe you did indeed die yesterday and you are the ghost at the light switch. It makes perfect sense. Even tonight's entry “My Ghost is back” suggests this to be true. Yes, I'm deeply sorry but I think you and the ghost are one.

donges said...

That is one helluva story line, actually. Calling Rod Serling!
You are much closer to Hollywood than I am (like a thousand miles?)...I'll write it if you'll shop it. We'll split the profits...