What the hell is the difference between isolated thunderstorms and scattered thunderstorms?
The very act of them being scattered would lend itself naturally to them being isolated, no? And vice versa?
Sorry for all the meteorological posts; I am obsessed and thwarted at the same time.
Doesn't that soon lead to complete insanity? I can hear it now:
"What made him snap in the McDonald's parking lot?"
"I hear it was lack of rain."
Read the one titled 'From Gil Ross'
You asked.
Yep, I asked.
But I didn't google because I knew that would blow out the whole meaning of the initial post.
'Cause I knew that you would come to the rescue and save me from my own ignorance.
Thanks, Scee! You win the 'More intellegent than Donges award" which will win you no noteriety nor fame nor fortune.
But we both know that it's true, for whatever that might be worth.....
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