June 3, 2005

Funny line...

Okay, one of the perks of my main job is that I can sometimes get the distaff of books that are sent in for review.
And, for the most part, they are eminently enjoyable. For instance, 'Dogs of Babel', one of my favorites novels ever, came from that discarded collective.
Currently, I'm reading 'Bangkok Tattoo' by John Burdett which is, so far, quite excellent.
And I just ran across a line: one of the characters was talking about G.W.Bush and she says, "...he has to divide the world into good and evil because he can only count up to two."
I had to stop reading since I was sitting out on the deck laughing out loud bothering the neighbors.

Okay, so I had some beers and it probably seemed funnier than it really is, but really.....

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