June 5, 2005

Helpful household tip...

Late last night, after strategically placing the last couple of dirty dishes in the dishwasher, I realized that I had no dishwasher soap.
This was not good, since I knew I would need some of the items to be clean today and I certainly did not want to unload the thing and wash 'em by hand.
Knowing that regular dish soap would probably make a huge spewing bubble mess all over the kitchen if I tried that, I cast around for another alternative.
Laundry soap. Yeah.
About the same consistency as dishwasher soap. Contains bleach alternative for those nasty tomato based stains on the plastic wear. Worth a try, right?
My daughter raised an eyebrow at me as I came back from the laundry room with the jug in hand.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm trying laundry soap in the dishwasher. It will probably cause a cascade of soap bubbles to pile up all over the kitchen floor."
This caught her interest and she quickly ordered me to "Do It!".

And you know what? It worked. In fact, the glassware has less water-spot residue than usual. Things look to be as clean as always. The only thing missing is that 'fresh lemon scent' but I can live without that. I'm drinking coffee out of a mug that came out of the batch and there doesn't seem to be any lingering chemical taste. I suppose I'll know soon once I keel over, but in the meantime I'm tagging this one as a success.

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