May 21, 2005

I didn't know I was allergic to music...

Started out the night with riding my bike over to a friend's house so we could jam on guitar for a bit. We're looking at being buskers downtown for lack of any other musical venue to latch upon. Figures that my first bike ride of the season would be a marathon-esque affair that would leave me gasping at the end. But, I made it without having to resort to a stranger's CPR ministrations.
The night evolved until we found ourselves at a dive bar that actually was playing some pretty good music.
One of the most hideous songs came on. "Islands in the Stream" - Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton.
I almost screamed like a girl.
I did plug my ears as best I could, told the folks I was with that I couldn't handle this and fled from the establishment. They were done drinking there anyway, so followed me out quickly. But it was unnerving that it took such a little thing to drive me out of a public venue (if this place could even be called a venue).

In other news....
There has been a dead fish and an uninflated black balloon on the sidewalk that I transverse everyday to get to work for a month now.
It has become somewhat reassuring that they are there everyday.
But still somewhat disturbing. Even the carrion fowl have neglected the free meal that the fish would provide. And the black balloon? Who the fuck knows?
I wonder daily how long these will stay there. Is there no sidewalk sweeping patrol that takes care of this stuff? Am I destined to slowly watch this fish deteriorate to nothingness? Should I pick up the balloon, stuff the fish into it and throw the whole baliwick away?
I dunno.

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